Saturday, May 22, 2010

Annotated Bibliography :blog post #7

I read the article "when the Joneses wear jeans" from New York times by Jennifer Steinhauer. In this article she talked about social class and status.she discussed about the higher class life style and the middle class. how a person face difficulties to maintain his status. what make the difference between class status.

The other article i read from the newspaper Daily News " Cops frisk policy is out of control:it creates a climate of distinct in minority neighbourhood." by Rev. AL Sharpton. The article said the racial discrimination and the immigrant status. In the article he wrote in 2009 black and Latino were in new york nine time more likely stooped by police than white. He also criticised about the recent Arizona immigrant harassment. Immigrant were discriminated by cops for their immigrant status.


  1. Said - These look like two very interesting sources about two very different aspects of this issue. What course texts will you use? Post your thoughts about these as well.

    With your second source, keep in mind that most African Americans are not immigrants - they have on average been in the United States longer than most Americans.

    Remember to turn in your revision (along with the original version) on Tuesday.

  2. Also! I'm working to get together a Bengali group for our ongoing collective translation project. The next group is coming together on June 3rd in the afternoon - the afternoon after our final class. It would be great to have you, and anyone else you want to bring (you don't have to speak another language!) Please let me know what you think.
