Monday, June 7, 2010

Saiduzzaman sikder
Prof: dr. laura Tannebuam.

Status and class discrimination.
Status is the things that shape society. It creates the discrimination. When we look to the society we can see the different kind of class still exist. The society divided them into Upper class, middle class and lower class. A person from upper classes he thinks hi is superior and the discrimination start form there. There is another kind of status difference we can see in the immigration. In this field the discrimination is very intense. We forget our humanity when the immigration status came to us. The people from our society want to keep their status by any cost; as a result they start the discrimination. They faced economical and social pressure to keep their status.
In the article from NY Times “when the joneses wear the jeans” by Jennifer Staienhauar may 29. 2005 write about how the American people are fighting to keep maintain their status. as she wrote in he article” fully 81 percent of Americans said they had felt social pressure to buy high-priced goods.” The American people to maintain their class identity, they wear expansive dress and lifestyle. According to the article they use This is an America of $130,000 Hummers and $12,000 mother-baby diamond tennis bracelet sets, of $600 jeans, $800 haircuts and slick new magazines advertising $400 bottles of wine. According to the American Personal Chef Association, they are taking ever more exotic vacations, often in private planes. They visit plastic surgeons and dermatologists for costly and frequent cosmetic procedures. And they are sending their children to $400-an-hour math tutors, summer camps at French chateaus and crash courses on managing money. They send their kids to expensive private school. Those kids get the idea that they r the superior then other ordinary public school in their mind. As a result the racism and discrimination start from their childhood.
The upper class people live .in a luxurious apartment. We can see the discriminated everywhere in our society. It starts from home and spread out through the nation. In the Terkel interview “Door man” We see Fritz Ritter says in his interview that “when the house was high class, the tenants look down on me. When they used to see me on the street they’d make believe they did not know me. There was a restaurant in here. I used to go there once in while, they’d make believe they didn’t see you” (127). He worked 41 years in this same building but he cannot think it is better way. The high class tenant was making the class difference there. They do not like to know him in the street but they spend a long time in the same building. If they treats like this way, how their child going to be learn from them. Here we can see the discrimination start from status. The upper class people ignore the lower class people. In spite of spending long time to each other they can not remove this distance between them. The upper class people might be thinks that if they talk each other in the street or restaurant, it could be reducing their status or standard. They never think how the .person feels when they see each other everyday in their won apartment but never talk in the restaurant. It can be make the person heart breeding. I think in our society, discrimination start from his won house and fall a great impact in the society as well as in the job field.
Status is a great problem in the job or work place. People suffer many ways because of discrimination. Some time the status changed a person behavior. The person who did a good job, he has a great dignity in their won local area. But when they went to the work, place the total picture becomes changed. The boss started to discriminate them. When, it is come to customer service job than it becomes worse. In a pharmacy like Duane Reade or CVS, every time the sales person has to ask every customer some same question. The question is “do you have club card”. If I say no, maximum time they never asked me to do one. It is like schedule asking. It seems to me as a alienation of work. The management knows that it’s annoying but they want them to say. But when the manager used to a cashier, he/she had complain about it. But now their behaviors got changed. Another example I saw in the Terkel inter view with the Airline stewardess, how the behaviors change when they know their status is greater than others. This status change people behavior. Their demand becomes change. As Terry mason says in the Terkell’s interview “ these people think they are great, paying for more, and want more, Also I get tired of coach passengers asking for something that he thinks he’s first-class passenger.(45). Inside the plan they are superior then other. As a result their expectation becomes higher. But when they are inside the lobby of the airport they were treated as like as the economy passenger. In the Airport lobby, they do not show their extra expectation. But, when they enter inside the board, they change themselves. They know that they are different from other people. They are spending more, the have to get more. This kind of example takes me a question that is status creates the discrimination.

When we talk about the status in respect of immigration and the race, it takes us to, the nation wide controversy. Recent Arizona immigration law shows how this immigrant status can ruin people life. The states police asked the citizen suspecting them as illegal immigrant. Their target is immigrants from different race, but, if they see a person with blond hair and blue eyes Canadian tourist, they are not asking their status. These status things dividing the world. When it comes to racial status, the discrimination is very obvious in the US. It was started at the beginning of the history of the US. A kid for his racial status get discriminated from his childhood. We see in early 1940 the he discrimination was even in the school. The white students were get more benefit, from the black student. This people never think about they are kids so let them grew up with nice environment. As I see in the Richard Lieberman interview with Daisy Kinard says that there were two bus for ,white kids but one for black student but maximum time it was broken down. Where the future of the nation was the student but the authority teaches them to discarnate the black people for their color. I also get some evidence in the daily news article name “Cops’ frisk policy is out of control: It creates a climate of distrust in minority neighborhoods” by Rav AL Sharpton where he said to us how people are suffering for discrimination for racial status. The article says that “the Latino and Black new Yorker wear nine times more likely to stopped by police than white”. this story shows us how the discrimination is going on our society.
To keep a good status is very good things and it will helpful for society. People will feel the inspiration to mobilize themselves from one class to other. It will make people to motivate to do some thing greater. But if the status create the discrimination and one get into higher class, start to discriminate to other it will be bad for entire society. To finish the discrimination, we have to find out the root of racism, and discrimination. We have to fight together against the discrimination.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Saiduzzaman sikder
ENG 101

Status and class discrimination.
Status is the things that shape society. It creates the discrimination. When we look to the society we can see the diffe3rent kind of class still exist. The society divided them into Upper class, middle class and lower class. A person from upper classes he thinks hi is superior and the discrimination start form there. There is another kind of status difference we can see in the immigration. In this field the discrimination is very intense. We forget our humanity when the immigration status came to us. The people from our society want to keep their status by any cost, as a result they start the discrimination. They feel the pressure to keep their status.
In the article from NY Times “when the joneses wear the jeans” by Jennifer Staienhauar may 29 2005 write about how the American people are fighting to keep maintain their status. as she wrote in he article” fully 81 percent of Americans said they had felt social pressure to buy high-priced goods.” The American people to maintain their class identity, they wear expansive dress and lifestyle. According to the article they use This is an America of $130,000 Hummers and $12,000 mother-baby diamond tennis bracelet sets, of $600 jeans, $800 haircuts and slick new magazines advertising $400 bottles of wine. According to the American Personal Chef Association, they are taking ever more exotic vacations, often in private planes. They visit plastic surgeons and dermatologists for costly and frequent cosmetic procedures. And they are sending their children to $400-an-hour math tutors, summer camps at French chateaus and crash courses on managing money. They send their kids to expensive private school. Those kids get the idea that they r the superior then other ordinary public school in their mind. As a result the racism and discrimination start from their childhood.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Annotated Bibliography :blog post #7

I read the article "when the Joneses wear jeans" from New York times by Jennifer Steinhauer. In this article she talked about social class and status.she discussed about the higher class life style and the middle class. how a person face difficulties to maintain his status. what make the difference between class status.

The other article i read from the newspaper Daily News " Cops frisk policy is out of control:it creates a climate of distinct in minority neighbourhood." by Rev. AL Sharpton. The article said the racial discrimination and the immigrant status. In the article he wrote in 2009 black and Latino were in new york nine time more likely stooped by police than white. He also criticised about the recent Arizona immigrant harassment. Immigrant were discriminated by cops for their immigrant status.

Monday, May 17, 2010


I read the interview the airline stewardess from Terkel. I see in this interview how her status change in different circumstance. In her hometown people talk about her with respect even her father feel proud for the job. But it is not honorable to the first class passenger on board.They treats like a maid servant.The way the ordered. On board the stewardess has to keep smiling even the passenger treat them improper way. I do not find any stable status for airline stewardess. But i see how the status make a person arrogance. According to the interview, the first class passenger treat like they pay more so they want more. their attitudes are different from others coach passenger. i think the reason is they pay more that's why they want more. They are Superior then other passenger. This thing arise a question in my mind that, is status creates the discrimination?

Another interview i read the Doorman. he works in big apartment building in upper west side. he work forty one year in the same building. he knows all the residence of this building. he express his agony from his mind that when the tenant see him in the street they pretend the don't know him. Even when the met in the same restaurant for eating they never say him hi! It may the tenant thought if they say hi him it is going to disgraceful for them. This expression bring another question in my mind that ,Are the status is the reason for discrimination and racism.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Blog post#5. About interview.

In the interview with Richard Lieberman and daisy kinard, Lieberman try to find out why the interviewee move from south. the main reason is education and job. they faced more discrimination there. There are two school bus for white students. The black students had to walk 2 mile for school. They faced discrimination in the job market. The had to work on either tobacco factories or domestic.Here we see the historical context about racial discrimination.
The other interview with James Cerofeci, liberman tried to find out the beginning of the fight for establishing union. when the worker discriminated or they were cutting their wages they fought together against these discrimination's.
Both interviews are related to our class texts one is "a more perfect union" by Barack Obama ,another is "up against wall mart". we discussed a lot about racism and low wages in our class. The interview prove that those text has historical evidence and witness.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

blog #4 The racism and its affect on individual life.

The race and racism is deeply affect on one person mobility. For the racial discrimination, one cannot achieve his/her goal that they deserve. In the article "In job hunt, College degree cannot close racial gap" Michael Luo explain with evidence that how racial discrimination work in our society. Although some people have high college degrees, but they cannot manage a job for racial discrimination. Many company called for interviews but after meeting they sudden loss their interest. The racial discrimination is very obvious when we see the statistic report from the Bureau of Labours statistic. In the speech " A More Perfect Union" Barack Obama said that we can not overcome the current job crisis without finishing the racial discriminations.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


In the article "who built the pyramid" Mike talk about working classes people and how they feel about their life. It seems the still worker doesn't enjoy his life. Here the working class means that those people who try to support their family member physically and mentally but that is not enough. He wish his kids are going to white color worker and they will realize that their father was once a labour.In Born Rich i see how the kids grow up. they won billion dollar but they did not earn anything. Life is very enjoyable to them. However they know that their ancestors work to achieve these assets.

Monday, April 12, 2010

By reading the interview "who made the pyramids", i think the labour criticize the contemporary working system. Though he was very rough but he had some fascinating ideas about work. i like his main point that if a worker share his labour and skill to create a great thing, there should be somewhere his name on it. however i don't like his idea about 20 hours working time.

About F H LaGuardia.

before went Laguardia community college archive I used to surprise that who is Laguardia and why there are many things on his name. Now i understand what he did for New york city. the little man impressed me.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

first paragraph of my eassy.

The Washington post journalist Mallaby said in his article "progressive Wal- mart. Really" that wal- mart is beneficial to poor American people in many different ways. the poor American people can manage a job easily and they can save more money by shopping in Wal- mart. Their "Every day law price " help the American poor people and can contribute the federal programs. But I think only the food and household products are not enough to a poor person to live comfortably in the US. They should think of their workers lifestyle how they spend. They should consider their others expenses and educational expenses.
Wal-Mart is the largest retailer of the world. After three years of working they consider $16,800 is a high paid . They do not have even free Medicaid programs. They deduct $85 from a $550 paycheck biweekly. As a result $465 in a week. It is very hard to live in the US with this amount of money because the one bed room apartment rent is around $1200 in a month. $660 for all other expenses like transportation's, tuition's, food. Wal- mart has 3,372 store around the world and they thinking of only their share holder profit. They should consider about more than 1 million workers. The workers cannot protest for their right because they do not have a union. The should inspire the workers and live like a family with workers,mangers and share holder.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I am thinkig of the works and the wages in the US.